Frequently Asked Questions
How does the process work
What are the fees and how do I pay?
How long does a session last?
How many sessions will my child need?
Before any assessments are done the parent(s) are seen for an intake interview to gather all relevant information. Then an assessment is conducted which lasts anything from 2 to 4 hours depending on age. The next appointment is for the feedback session with the parents.
Henriëtte’s practice is registered with the Board of Healthcare Funders (BHF) and accepts medical aid. Sessions are charged at medical aid tariffs, and all accounts are handled by a contracted bureau – PracMed(Pty)Ltd. All accounts and medical aid claims are handled directly by PracMed behalf of Henriëtte.
Sessions are 1 Hour long, of which 10 minutes is used to complete notes
This will vary from person to person, each individual is unique and situations and life experiences vary, recommendations are discussed with the parents during the feedback interview.
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